Orthodontics for All Ages

Dr. Richards is committed to helping patients of all ages enjoy healthy, beautiful smiles. Whether you are bringing your child in for their initial consultation, helping your teenager begin their treatment plan or seeking to improve your smile as an adult, we are here for you!

Early Orthodontic Treatment

We, along with the American Association of Orthodontists® (AAO), recommend that children visit the orthodontist for the first time by age 7. By this age, most children have a mix of primary and adult teeth, making it possible for for Dr. Richards to diagnose any developing problems and provide early treatments to correct them. Early treatment allows us to:

  • Correct and guide the growth of your child’s jaw
  • Help the permanent teeth erupt properly
  • Regulate the width of your child’s upper and lower dental arches
  • Ensure the teeth have enough space
  • Prevent tooth extractions in the future
  • Correct negative oral habits such as thumb sucking
  • Improve minor speech problems

When you bring your child in for their initial appointment, our orthodontist will discuss the results of their evaluation to determine if early treatment is needed, as well as when regular orthodontic treatment should begin.

Teenage Orthodontic Treatment

The teenage years are a great time to receive orthodontic treatment, as your teen’s jaws and mouth have not yet finished developing and can still be guided into proper alignment. We understand that teenagers are involved in a wide variety of activities, including school, time with friends, dating, sports and other extracurricular activities, and will work with them to find the orthodontic solution that fits their oral health and their individual needs. We offer several types of treatment and are committed to helping your teenager achieve a confident smile!

Benefits of teenage orthodontic treatment include:

  • The ability to preserve space for any unerupted or crowded, erupting teeth
  • Improved facial symmetry and aesthetics
  • Preserved tooth health and minimized threat of damage to protruding teeth

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

It is never too late to achieve a beautiful smile! In fact, about 25% of all patients that seek orthodontic treatment are adults. Orthodontic treatment not only improves your smile but also your oral health, and many adults are choosing to receive treatment so they can enjoy a healthier and more aesthetic smile.

Common reasons why adults seek orthodontic treatment include:

  • Bad bites that cause teeth to fit together incorrectly
  • Crowded or spaced teeth
  • Abnormal jaw pain or pressure caused by crooked teeth
  • The desire for a healthier mouth and a more confident smile

Today’s orthodontic options offer a variety of treatments that are more comfortable and aesthetic to meet the demands of your lifestyle, and we will work with you to find the type of treatment that is right for your needs.

For more information about orthodontic treatment for children, teens or adults in Salt Lake City and Riverton, Utah, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Richards, please contact our team today!